Where else is great to visit?

Where else is great to visit?
28th April 2020 Chris Healey

Princes Dock

Princes Dock is a part of Liverpool Waterfront where the visitors can sit and enjoy the peaceful picturesque scenery and watch the canal boats slowly pass though the Leeds-Liverpool canal link or enjoy the river views and watch the sea vessels and ferries pass by. Princes Dock also offers a relaxing dining experience.

Pier Head

The Pier Head is an aspect of the World Heritage Site and helps make Liverpool Waterfront one of the most recognised skylines in the world. From the pier the unusual sight of narrow boats can be seen as they pass through the specially constructed Canal Link. It has Museum of Liverpool nearby.

The Cavern Club

Through seven eventful decades, before, during and after The Beatles this legendary cellar has seen its share of setbacks yet has played a role in each epoch of music, from 1950s jazz to 21st century indie rock.